Blonde Poison

American Premiere
January 8 – January 26, 2015

A Play by Gail Louw
Directed by Jules Aaron
Produced by David Hunt Stafford


A Jewish woman living illegally in war-torn Berlin, Stella Goldschlag was betrayed, captured and tortured … then offered a chance to save herself and her parents from the grisly death camps awaiting them. Agreeing to act as a “Greifer” for the Gestapo, Goldschlag now finds herself forced to inform on other Jews in hiding. So successful in these endeavors that she earns herself the nickname Blonde Poison, it’s sometimes difficult to discern whether she is, in fact, a tortured victim or a cruel killer.


Salome Jens

What critics were saying:

“finely wrought performance by Salome Jens”
—At The Theatre with Audrey Linden

“absolutely riveting”
—Steven Stanley for StageSceneLA

“With Salome Jens in control, it becomes a blessed event, filled with dramatic highs and lows.”
—Don Grigware for Grigware Reviews

Read the full press coverage of the show.