
July-August 2017

A Play by Arun Lakra
Directed by Bruce Gray
Produced by David Hunt Stafford


Do you believe in luck? A man successfully bets double or nothing on the Super Bowl coin toss for twenty years in a row. A professor races the clock on a ground-breaking discovery to cure the disease that is causing her own progressive blindness. Two fascinating stories intertwine like DNA, examining the interplay between science, faith, probability and luck.


Crash Buist • Kacie Rogers • Gary Rubenstein • Maria Spassoff

What critics were saying:

“a charming play that crackles with ideas”
—Paul Birchall for Stage Raw

“theatergoers can expect to have their imaginations tweaked and their intelligence stimulated”
—Ben Miles for The Beachcomber

Read the full press coverage of the show.