Breath of Spring
American Premiere
July-August 2016
A Play by Peter Coke
Directed by Bruce Gray
Produced by David Hunt Stafford
One of British playwright Peter Coke’s earliest and best known plays, Breath of Spring is a comedy that starts with a stolen stole. In this madcap three-act production, Dame Beatrice receives a stole from her maid, a woman with a checkered past. Beatrice is left suspecting that the mink’s been fleeced. A former army officer and other lodgers in her building endeavor to return the stole, but they realize they love the intrigue so much that they form a syndicate for stealing and returning furs. What follows is a web of secretive scheming, plot-hatching and cat-burgling.
Alison Blanchard • Richard Carner • Melinda de Kay • Katherine Henryk
Jean Kauffman • Lary Ohlson • Joshua Olkowski • Flora Plumb
What critics were saying:
“The success of this production derives from the immaculately honed portrayals of the ensemble as well as the exquisite pacing established by Gray.”
—Julio Martinez for Stage Raw
“charming and engaging”
—Karen Salkin for ItsNotAboutMe.TV