July 23-August 23, 2015
A Play by James Reach
Based on the teleplay by Rod Serling
Directed by Jules Aaron
Produced by David Hunt Stafford
This drama concerns the struggles of an idealistic young executive who tries to resist the corrosive pressures of the world of the giant corporations.
Fred Staples has been brought into Ramsey and Co. by its efficient, tough and predatory president, who is grooming him for one of the top spots, but Fred rebels when he learns Ramsey has — all along — been preparing him to replace Andy Sloane. Sloane is old and ill, and Ramsey has been carrying out a cold-blooded campaign to force his resignation.
Todd Andrew Ball • Daniel Kaemon • Erica Larsen • Aygul Maksutova • Richard Hoyt Miller
Elain Rinehart • James Schendel • Louis Schneider • Savannah Schoenecker
John Schroeder • Sharron Shayne • David Hunt Stafford • Cathy Diane Tomlin
What critics were saying:
“the corporate politics at the heart of this gripping drama are timeless”
—Sandro Monetti for Thespian Thoughts
“an incisive critique of corporate capitalism”
—Ed Rampell for Hollywood Progressive