
World Premiere
September-October 2014

A Play by Steven Peterson
Directed by Larry Eisenberg
Produced by David Hunt Stafford


The Great Recession was a dark time in American history, but at least dark times spawn dark comedies, like Steven Peterson’s new play Affluence. Set during the week after Christmas, Affluence finds the once-wealthy Woodley family stricken by economic crisis and skulking around their dying grandmother, whose fortune they hope can be reaped before inheritance taxes surge at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve. The problem is, the old gal just keeps hanging on, and the family’s desperation is about to turn murderous.


Lloyd Pedersen • Rhonda Lord • Justin Huff • Ilona Kulinska
Nan Tepper • Christine Uhebe • Richard Carner

What critics were saying:

“gets better (and darker) as the play progresses”
—Rich Borowy for Accessibly Live Off-Line

“fast-paced direction”
—Morna Murphy Martell for Theatre Spoken Here

Read the full press coverage of the show.