The Last Romance

Los Angeles Premiere
November-December 2012

A Romantic Comedy by Joe DiPietro
Directed by James Paradise
Produced by David Hunt Stafford


Ralph Bellini is a widowed senior settled into a routine in which he takes a daily walk and then has dinner with his sister, Rose, at their apartment. As a young man, he had designs on a career as an opera singer, but life and marriage pushed him in another direction.

One day, he takes a different route in a dog park, and meets a new woman, Carol Reynolds. He quickly develops a crush on her. It takes several attempts, but he finally becomes friends with her, winning her over with his resuscitated charm, humor, and love of opera. This makes Rose jealous, and she attempts to discourage his new relationship.

Meanwhile, Carol has a secret, and what she’s concealing might drive a wedge between her and Ralph.

Ralph and Carol are both, to put it bluntly, old. They have what may be their last chance for love and desire. Will they let the obstacles obstruct their way to their Last Romance?


Howard Storm • Mariko Van Kampen • Dorothy Sinclair • Matthew Ian Welch